
黄 超
发布者:ylys     发布日期:2022-10-10     阅读次数:








2013.09-2017.06  中国科学院大学   生态学专业  博士

2008.09-2011.07  福建农林大学大学   土壤学专业  硕士

2004.09-2008.07  咸宁学院   土地资源管理专业      学士








[1] 国家自然科学基金委员会,地区项目,气候变化和松材线虫病对鄱阳湖流域森林生态系统碳储量的影响, 2022-012025-1235万元,主持。

[2] 江西省科技厅,江西省“双千计划”创新领军人才青年类长期项目,极端气候事件对鄱阳湖流域森林生态系统碳储量的影响, 2022-012024-12100万元,主持。

[3] 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金项目,31800408,气候变化背景下干旱对中国北方森林碳储量的影响, 2019-012021-1227万元,结题,主持。

[4] 辽宁省科技厅,辽宁省自然科学基金,2020-BS-022,气候变化背景下极端干旱对辽宁省森林生态系统碳储量的影响, 2020-052023-053万元,在研,主持。

[5] 江西官山国家级自然保护区景观多样性监测项目,2021-112022-1219.7万元,在研,主持。


1. Huang, C., Feng, J., Tang, F., He, H.S., Liang, Y., Wu, M.M., Xu, W., Liu, B., Shi, F., Chen, F., 2022. Predicting the responses of boreal forests to climate-fire-vegetation interactions in Northeast China. Environmental Modelling & Software 153, 105410 (SCI, IF=5.288).

2. Chao Huang,Hong S. He*, Yu Liang*., Hawbaker, T.J., Henne, P.D., Xu, W., Gong, P., Zhu, Z., 2021. The changes in species composition mediate direct effects of climate change on future fire regimes of boreal forests in northeastern China. Journal of Applied Ecology 58(6), 1336-1345 (SCI, IF=6.528).

3. Chao Huang, Yu Liang*., Hong S. He*, Wu, M.M., Liu, B., Ma, T., 2021b. Sensitivity of aboveground biomass and species composition to climate change in boreal forests of Northeastern China. Ecological Modelling 445, 109472 (SCI, IF= 2.974).

4. Chao HuangHong S. He*, Yu Liang*, Zhiwei Wu, Todd J. Hawbaker, Peng Gong, Zhiliang Zhu, 2018. Long-term effects of fire and harvest on carbon stocks of boreal forest in northeastern China. Annals of Forest Science 75, 42 (SCI, IF= 2.633).

5. Chao HuangHong S. He*, Todd Hawbaker, Yu Liang, Peng Gong, Zhiwei Wu, Zhiliang Zhu, 2017. A coupled modeling framework for predicting boreal forest ecosystem carbon dynamics. Environmental Modelling & Software 93, 332-343 (SCI, IF=4.552).

6. Feng, J., Chen, F., Tang, F., Wang, F., Liang, K., He, L., Huang, C*., 2022. The Trade-Offs and Synergies of Ecosystem Services in Jiulianshan National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province, China. Forests 13 (SCI, IF= 2.634).

7. Q Shao, C Huang*, J F Huang, 2021. Spatial and temporal variations of snow cover in the forest area of middle and high latitude of Northern Hemisphere. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 932 (2021) 012005 (EI).

8. 黄超,贺红士*, 梁宇, 吴志伟. 2018. 气候变化、林火和采伐对大兴安岭森林碳储量的影响. 应用生态学报, 29(7): 2088-2100 (CSCD).  

[1], 唐南奇*, 张黎明, 孙妍. 2011. 基于CA-Markov模型的永春县景观格局动态模拟. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 40 (5): 535-539 (CSCD).


[1] 黄超, High-resolution coupling simulation system and method for land use and forest landscape process, 澳大利亚革新专利, 专利号:2021102457, 授权公告日:30 July 2021.

[2] 黄超, 智慧林场环境数据分析系统V1.0, 软件著作权号:2021SR0882409, 授权公告日:2021.7.10.


[1] 九连山森林生态研究—生态系统服务价值评估--黄超,胡小飞,金志芳, 王方超,陈伏生,江西科学技术出版社.


[1] 江西省第三批引进类创新领军人才长期(青年)项目,证书编号:jxsq2020101080.
